Silence Together: An Invitation
This letter comes to you with a simple, yet in our experience, profound invitation: to join women around the world in a day of Silence.
In August of 2009 five women, who have been leadership consultants for several decades, gathered for two days to explore topics and themes that seemed relevant to these challenging times. Internal stillness came up repeatedly as the foundation for authentic movement with one’s core purpose and keeping a place of center in a world of intensity and change. The last Sunday of every month was chosen as a day of practice. Peri Chickering and Barbara Cecil keep a monthly rhythm of connection by sending out a simple, inspirational email.
Over the last years, slowly and steadily, women from around the world have joined us in a commitment to a day of Silence each month. At this point over 800 women have engaged this invitation, and the circle continues to expand. The purpose of this practice is anchoring of a clear and sacred place of origin for our lives. Practiced collectively and intentionally together, this day of silence creates an energetic weave of loving care for this earth and all its inhabitants.
We recognize that many women cannot take a full day. The beauty of energetic connection is that it can happen in a minute, or even on another day. Being together, in the still place in this whirling world, is a matter of spirit. One hour or 15 minutes of deliberate quietude can be plenty. Whatever discipline and focus works for you is of great value.
A website now exists to honor this community of practice: silenttogether.com. On the site you can find an archive of all the monthly reflections that have gone out over the last six years. In addition there are links to books and resources on the art and practice of silence.
We welcome you to invite friends and colleagues to join us. Feel free to forward this invitation or you may e-mail Peri with a list of names and addresses and we will add them to the monthly reflection that is sent out just before last Sunday of the month. On behalf of the five women who initiated this practice, may you feel the blessing and camaraderie that comes from a shared commitment to the world by staying committed to your own inner Being.
In honor of wholeness, beauty, and the voice of “all our relations,”
Peri Chickering Barbara Cecil